giovedì 25 febbraio 2021


"The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man, both as an individual and in social formations".

The difficult balance between rights and duties of the individual, with regard to the unconstitutional acts of law promulgated with the excuse of the emergency, can only belong to the legislative power (Parliament) and, in the event of a dispute, should be resolved by the Constitutional Court.

In the infinite state of emergency in which the pandemic has plunged us, produced directly and orchestrated by the barons of the New World Order, constitutional rights and guarantees have been suspended and violated that had never been questioned, not even during the two world wars and the fascism.

That this is not a temporary situation is strongly affirmed by the rulers themselves, who never tire of repeating that the virus has not only not disappeared, but can reappear at any moment.

Now there are the variants.

In the 75 years of republican history we have had 66 governments and 29 presidents of the Council with continuous changes that have an unquantifiable cost for the country-system”, says Milena Gabanelli in the DATAROOM column.

Former president of the BCE - European Central Bank; former governor of the Bank of Italy; former president and manager of Goldman Sachs International, man of the Troika.

The new Prime Minister Mario Draghi is a senior member of the "Group of 30", or rather the Gotha of the world elite that stands above the "Club Bilderberg" and even more above the "Trilateral Commission".

But the real problem is another: who voted for it?

Why is the Prime Minister not elected but appointed in Italy? What are we at Big Brother?

Unfortunately. Democracy is now a farce, a theater, a reality show, like never before.

Draghi is the right man at the right time.

There was a well-established plan to bring down the Conte government before it got its hands on the money coming in from Brussels.

It now appears evident that the pandemic crisis was expressly conceived, as predicted by Jacques Attali, a man in close contact with the leaders of globalism, to give birth to a new global dictatorship.

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